Thursday, April 22, 2010

Everything you need in ONE product ingredient!

Sound and established company in 63 countries having done over $500 million in retail sales has now launched in western hemisphere!

A medically researched and proven ingredient with a 4000 year old history is now available in tasteless and odorless form!! It is mixed into our 4 gourmet coffees including a mocha,a caffeine-free hot chocolate option that kids can also drink, a gentle tannin-free tea and delicious mixed cereal with spirulina added. Capsules can be taken instead.

This ingedient is also infused in the company's soap and toothpaste!

Why all the rage? Look at some of these possible benefits: Antibacterial, antiseptic, antifungal, anti-candida, anti-diabetic, anti-inflmmatory, TC ETC.

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